Better health…
…better life!
Watch the video to learn more

Your body was designed to be well and heal itself, learn why this isn’t happening and how to safeguard your body from disease.

Check Out the New Aspire Course
Led by Dr Andy Nish

Our Program

We make good nutrition really convenient

The reason our program is so successful is that we have made nourishing your body with the nutrition it needs very easy and convenient. We’ve compared the nutrients the body needs to the nutrients readily available in our modern foods. The difference between the two is Healthy for Life!

We’ve combined the most common missing nutrients into two supplements, and omega an a multi-mineral. These two supplements are all most people need to fill the gap between what you are eating and what you need.

The third component to our program is our herbal cleanser. Don’t worry, this isn’t one of those clean-you-out supplements, this is a gentle daily cleanser that will help your body get rid of impurities.

It’s that simple,  supply your body with good nutrition with our  Omega  and  Mineral , and get rid of toxins with our  Herbs . Healthy for Life will give you results you will be excited about! Don’t wait get started today.

Why Healthy for Life?
Here are a few benefits of following our program:


your immune system

Feel Better

than ever before


you have been dreaming of

Stop Worrying

about your health

Less Sickness

learn how to protect your family from sickness

Save Money

on healthcare expense


is the key to long term success


nutrition you were meant to have

Healthcare costs continue to rise


The average American household used to spend an average of 15-17% of their household income on food and only 3-5% on healthcare. Currently the average American spends only 5-8% of their household income on food and 15-20% on healthcare. Creating processed “cheap” food has actually proved to be more costly when you consider the healthcare cost, not to mention the lower quality of life.

Why do diseases continue to get worse?
Despite better medical technology, major diseases haven’t improved

Our eBook, Healthy for Life U, explains why we aren’t making any ground on curing diseases, and explains the truth about what has happened to our health in this country. It will also show you how to protect yourself against the top diseases.



  Heart Disease


The Food Disease

Learn how food is the cause and solution to many major health problems

You can do it!

Our eBook will help you, no matter where you are in your health!

Recom­mended by Doctors

Here are a few doctors who like Healthy for Life

Dr. David Sim, MD


“Scientific studies continue to show that following the Healthy for Life nutritional principles will help reduce cardiovascular risk.”

Dr. Carlos Reynes, MD

Internal Medicine

“Healthy for Life has created exactly what I’ve been looking to use with my patients for over 25 years. I’m so glad it’s finally here.”

Dr. Jeff Matheson, MD

Pain Management

Watch a live seminar with Dr. Matheson on our  YouTube channel!


“I used to take Advair daily and now I am on a path to never needing it again. I can not thank Healthy for Life University enough for turning my life around and putting me on the necessary path to not only live life, but to live it to its fullest.”


“This class covered a wide range of health topics very thoroughly. It opened my eyes to the many things I can start doing now to prevent illness in the future.”


“By implementing the changes from these classes, my husband, an asthmatic, has been able to go without the aid of an inhaler since Father’s Day 2011 (something he hadn’t gone a single day without using in 20 years) and my infant son is soon to be completely off of Prilosec!”


Fish Oil vs. Plant Oil

Organic plant oils are so much better, stop using fish oil today!

Many people overlook the important difference between parent and derivative forms of Omega oils. Fish oils are made up of mostly Omega 3 derivatives. While fish oil has many advocates, research shows that people have significant improvements when changing their daily EFA supplementation from fish oil to a more complete formulation of Parent Omega 3 and 6. In 2009, the American Heart Association recognized the importance of Omega 6 for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties and the correlation between a lack of Omega 6 and the increased risk for heart disease. Fish oil supplements can also contain pollutants. Chemicals and heat are used to extract the oils from fish tissue, which can contaminate them. Top-quality fish goes to markets and restaurants; the rest goes to be processed into fish oil supplements and other secondary products. We highly recommend organic seed oils for Omega 3 and 6 supplementation. Seed oils are higher in quality and contain the parent omegas.

The IOWA Study

Our Omega 3-6-9 was the subject of the IOWA study

iowa The purpose of the study was to investigate whether the product has an effect on arterial flexibility, also know as arterial age. A sophisticated machine called a Digital Pulse Analyzer (DPA) was used to evaluate the flexibility of the study group’s arteries and assign them an age. Long term (2 to 4 years) and short term (1 to 8 months) Omega 3-6-9 users were evaluated. Long term users’ arterial age averaged 9 years younger than the average population, and the short term users averaged 7 years younger! This is an exciting confirmation of the importance of Omega oils in your body.

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September 19th, 2024 at 6:30pm

Immune System to the Rescue

Immune System to the Rescue

Brian Shattuck