What is Aspire?
The Aspire program is designed to help empower you to take control of your own wellbeing and give you the confidence to be the guide in your health journey! With classes led by Dr Andy Nish and personalize health coaching, you will be able to get valuable insight and direction to help you achieve your health goals.
Increase Energy
Learn how you can have more energy than ever before
Feel Well
Making changes to your lifestyle will help you feel better than ever before!
Reduce Sickness
Learn ways you can support your body's immune system to reduce sickness
Sleep Better
Sleep is very important to help, learn how to sleep better
Over ninety percent of our “dis – eases” are due to a combination of what has been done to our food, water, soil, and air and our inability to break free of these harmful effects. In addition stress, lack of sleep, lack of movement also play huge roles in our ever increasing chronic disease environment.
Many of these negative inputs cause metabolic disfunction, making it nearly impossible for you to achieve the health you desire!
We will supply you with tools, inspiration, confidence and community to attain and maintain your wellbeing. We will practice together lifestyle skills to reach your goals and improve resiliency to our surroundings and negative inputs that work against wellbeing.
What is included in the Aspire Course?
- Initial Lab Work to get a baseline picture of metabolic function
- 6 Monthly Classes – Lessons will include training as well as time to ask questions with Dr Nish, Tim McCoy (Integrative Health Coach) and Jon Schultz PT
- 6 Monthly 45 minute coaching sessions
- Create a personalize wellness plan
- Bonus Class and content – Sleep and Lab Results Basics
- Follow up lab testing